How To Sign Up In Momentis from My Biz Site
Momentis only pays an Independent Representative or IR for enrolling customers and sponsoring other IRs who then enroll customers. Momentis does not pay IRs for recruiting other IRs. Momentis does not compensate a person for becoming an IR. Momentis makes no income guarantees or projections. Success is achieved based on an IR’s personal effort, commitment and skills.
When an IR enrolls in Momentis they must buy the Momentis Starter Kit for $299. The Kit includes critical information, training and services that will help the IR succeed in this business. The Kit is sold at Momentis’ actual cost. IRs may not offer any cash, bonuses, etc. (including buying the Kit for a new IR) to influence recruiting or customer acquisition.
IRs are not required to become customers. No bonuses, commissions or other earnings may be obtained only from the purchase of products by the IR. IRs must sell products to third-party customers.
IRs must truthfully identify themselves, the program, products, and the purpose of their business to prospective IRs and customers. IRs must not use any misleading, deceptive, or unfair sales practices. Explanations of products must be accurate and complete, including the price, terms of payment, no guarantees of savings (except for EMS), and after-sales services and delivery. For Just Energy products, IRs must explain that Just Energy is not affiliated with the utilities. Never tell people anything like, “Don’t worry, it’s a no-brainer, just sign-up.”